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时间:2010-07-21 10:27 作者:拉丝模具厂 点击:

        通用超声波清洗机 超声波清洗机的结构一般有超声电源和清洗器合为一体或分开布局两种形式,一般小功率(200W以下)清洗机用一体式结构,而大功率清洗机采用分体式结构。
   超声波发生器:超声清洗机用的超声波发生器,从使用的元器件种类可以分电子管式的,可控硅式的和晶体管式的。近几年来已经发展到用大功率“功率模块”的方式。其输出功率从几十瓦直到几千瓦,工作频率从15kHz—40kHzo 超声波清洗机用的超声波发生器,有以下特点: (1)随着清洗液深度不同,换能器共振频率和阻抗变化很大。但是实践表明,槽内放进适量清洗物后,基本上就可以稳定在某一定数值上。
     超声波换能器:超声波清洗机用的换能器主要有以下几种: ①磁致伸缩换能器国内用的磁致伸缩换能器大多数是用镍片叠成的窗口型换能器,将它银焊在清洗缸底部,然后用导线在窗口上绕一定卷数而成。此种换能器能承受较大功率,且可靠性好,使用寿命长。缺点为效率较压电换能器低,原材料镍片价格贵。
     通用超声清洗机清洗零件适用性强,已广泛应用于电子、钟表、光学、机械、汽车、航空、原子能工业、医疗器械等许多行业。 专用超声波清洗机一般安装在某些特定物件清洗的生产流水线上。 典型的软磁器件超声波清洗设备,被清洗物件从进料口可传动的不锈钢专用网带送人超声波清洗槽清洗,再经喷淋、烘干等工序后出料,实现被清洗物件可直接包装入库。

into tube-like species, SCR-type and transistor type. In recent years, has been developed to use high-power "power module" approach. The output power from several watts up to several kilowatts, operating frequency from 15kHz-40kHzo ultrasonic cleaning machine ultrasonic generator has the following characteristics: (1) with different depth of cleaning fluid, the transducer resonance frequency and impedance vary widely .  But practice shows that the tank into the proper cleaning materials Basically, you can stabilize on a certain value.
 Ultrasonic transducers: ultrasonic cleaning machine transducer used mainly the following:  magnetostrictive transducer domestic use magnetostrictive transducer is nickel plate quartet built most of the window-type transducers Silver solder it to the bottom of the cleaning tank, and then wire in the window formed around a certain number of volumes.  Such transducers can withstand higher power, and reliability and long service life. Thedisadvantages are more efficient than the piezoelectric transducer is low, the price of your raw material nickel plate.
A washing machine with multiple transducers, by the Adhesive and the bottom of the washing tank formed by the parallel connection of a washing machine transducer.。 Basic element of the transducer spacing (for the frequency 20kH4 generally 5-10mm is better, too prone to vibration, and the vibration plate by corrosion, while radiating reduced.
 Ultrasonic washer parts general applicability, has been widely used in electronics, watches, optical, mechanical, automobile, aviation, nuclear industry, medical equipment and many other industries.
 Ultrasonic washer parts general applicability, has been widely used in electronics, watches, optical, mechanical, automobile, aviation, nuclear industry, medical equipment and many other industries.Special ultrasonic cleaning machine is usually installed in some specific items on the production line cleaned.  A typical soft magnetic devices ultrasonic cleaning equipment, cleaning items are available from the feed opening drive with anyone to the private network of stainless steel ultrasonic cleaning tank cleaning, and then by spray drying and other post-discharge processes, objects can be directly achieved by cleaning package storage.

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